
Zborów Mountain – wedding rocks

Zborów Mountain

After visiting Ogrodzieniec Castle, we still had some time and energy, so after some recommendation from my mom’s friend, we decided to check out Zborów Mountain

Zborów Mountain, sometimes called Berkowa Mountain, is the highest hill with a height of 462 m lying in the range of Kroczyckie Rocks. It is one of the most beautiful viewpoints in the entire Częstochowa Upland, with picturesque groups of limestone outliers.

A couple of trails lead to the top. We started with the black one passing by the Głęboka (Deep) Cave. We couldn’t see it as it was quite late, and the cave was closed for visitors. However, if you want, you can visit it with a guide (Contact them to make an appointment beforehand – telephone: +48 730 702 056 or mail: biuro@podlesice.org.pl

After the cave, we continued to follow the black trail until we got to the top, and from there, we just walked around. When we were done, we could either take a red/green trail and then the road to the parking lot or follow small pathways through the forest to reach the cave again, which we ended up doing.



My mom loved the area so much that when the school year started, she took her class for a field trip to the site, this time, venturing also to the cave.

When we reached the top, we were rewarded with stunning sunset reflecting in the rocks and a marvelous panoramic view of the whole area, including the nearby Eagle Nests – Ogrodzieniec, Morsko, Bobolice, or Mirów.

Wedding photoshoot

Already when approaching the top, we spotted our first bride and groom having a photoshoot session. The further we walked, the more couples we saw until we counted 18 pairs of brides and grooms and even more photographers/videographers and drone operators. I am sure more than 18 couples were there; they were literally hiding in every bush, crack, and cave available. It was hilarious, and I couldn’t resist taking a picture or two 🙂

Rock climbing

I’ve also noticed that the rocks are a really popular spot for rock climbers. We saw a couple of them climbing around, and I could see many bolts in different rock formations. I am now trying to convince my friends to make a trip to Poland to go climbing 😛

If you are into rock climbing, check this page for topo maps (takes a while to load, though)


There is a free parking space next to Centrum Dziedzictwa Przyrodniczego i Kultury Jury.



You need to buy a ticket to enter the area of the Góra Zborów Reserve, which you can buy in Centrum Dziedzictwa Przyrodniczego i Kultury Jury next to the parking lot. In the same place, you can also arrange a visit to the Głęboka Cave.

For more info, check the official website.


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